
(Review) Jean-Marie Guyau, La Morale d’Epicure et ses rapports avec les doctrines contemporaines

Henry Sidgwick’s Review Mind, Vol. 4, No. 16 (Oct., 1879), pp. 582-587.   Guyau’s work is an enlarged edition of the first part of an essay on “La Morale Utilitaire,” to which a prize was awarded in 1874 by the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. His view of Epicureanism is not, in the main, quite so novel as the reporter of the Académie seems to have supposed; but his book may be cordially recommended to students of ancient philosophy as containing not only the most ample and appreciative, but also—in spite of some errors and exaggerations—the most careful and Lire la suite

(Review) Jean-Marie Guyau, La Morale d’Epicure et ses rapports avec les doctrines contemporaines Lire la suite »

(Review) Jean-Marie Guyau, Esquisse d’une morale sans obligation ni sanction

W. R. Sorley’s Review on Esquisse d’une Morale sans Obligation ni Sanction by Jean-Marie Guyau. Revue Philosophique de la France et de l’Étranger, T. 19 (janvier à juin 1885), pp. 319-328.   This is an interesting and valuable essay towards the establishment of a “scientific” ethics. The author, who is already favourably known for what he has done in recording the history of ethics, has now set himself to make material for that history.[1] He does not, indeed, break absolutely new ground, for Spencer, Simcox, Stephen and Höffding are among his predecessors. Yet he has ideas of his own, both

(Review) Jean-Marie Guyau, Esquisse d’une morale sans obligation ni sanction Lire la suite »

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